FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING LAB: This laboratory is basically for first year students to develop skill in imparting basic nursing care to patients like meeting personal hygiene needs; elementary needs etc. and practising basic nursing procedures. The lab has highly advanced mannequin and equipment’s with special features to learn the basic nursing procedures. Special beds like fully fowler beds, Partial fowler beds, adult beds, Paediatric bed, Air bed and Waterbeds. Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation can also be learnt onspecialized mannequin.
PRE-CLINICAL (ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY) LAB: This Laboratory is mainly useful for first year students to facilitate learning difficult subject like Anatomy & Physiology. It is well equipped with human skeleton, 3D models, charts &equipment’s. Latest CDs are available for the students to learn the further details about anatomy physiology.
NUTRITION AND BIOCHEMISTRY LAB: This lab is basically for first year students. It is like a mini kitchen and fully equipped with modern electronic gadgets like food processor, refrigerator and other utensils for practical demonstration of liquid, semi liquid, solid diet and develop the concept of special dietary requirements as per the disease conditions.
COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING LAB: This Laboratory is utilized for Rural and Urban Health experience for Nursing Students. The Laboratory is well equipped with Performa for data collection of individuals family & community, Performa for health assessment of infant, toddler, preschool, school going children, adult, geriatric age group & special groups like Antenatal, Intra-natal, Postnatal mother etc. family folder, referral etc. Community Health Nursing bags, health education material, charts, models, puppets are provided for comprehensive services to the Rural Training Health Centre, and Urban Training Centre.
OBSTETRICAL & GYNAECOLOGICAL LAB: This Laboratory is for Midwifery Experience. Lab is equipped to develop skills handling normal and complicated delivery. The students gain skill in imparting comprehensive maternity care. Our College Provides Excellent Laboratory Facilities For Basic Learning With Maternal And Child Health Science. The Lab Comprises Of Latest Articles And Equipment’s. This Laboratory Is A Place Where Student Learn The Basic Skills Of Maternity And Child Health Nursing Prior To The Clinical Area. The Lab Contains Various Obstetrical Chart’s Related To Antenatal, Intranatal And Postnatal Care, Including ModelsStudents will be oriented to stimulation instructions prior to running.
CHILD HEALTH NURSING LAB: Child health nursing lab is utilized for experience in child health care. It is well equipped with neonate and infant manikins. Specialized infant CPR manikin assist students to develop skill to provide care in critical area. The paediatrics nursing skill and simulation laboratory is here to make the students clinical experience educational and enlightening and to promote empowerment of student. Scenarios and stimulation experiences relate to the paediatrics lab objectives. Students.
AUDIO VISUAL LAB: Equipped with adequate numbers of audio-visual aids like Over Head Projectors, LCDS, CDS, charts, models, TV, Music system, Slide projector etc to enhance the learning process. A.V aids Materials Are Produce, Distributed and Use as Planned Components of Educational Programs. A.V aids Is Multi-sensory Materials Which Motivate And Stimulate the Individual These Are Planned Educational Material That To The Senses Of The People And Quick Learning Facilities For Clear Understanding. There Is A Plenty Of Work Space And Other Resource Available To Support Collaborative Study, Student Can Work Independently With Peer’s One on one with staff members.
COMPUTER LAB : Spacious Computer Laboratory with access to internet. Provision is made for computer education not only in 1st year but throughout the last year nursing course as an elective course.