ISF (Institutional Student Forum) of IETE (Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers) of RPIIT Technical Campus, Karnal organized a One Day National Workshop on “Humanoid Robotics” on April 15, 2015. The aim of the workshop was to highlight the concepts of Humanoid Robotics as an emerging and challenging research field, which has received significant attention during in the recent years and will continue to play a central role in robotics research and in many applications of the 21st century. The workshop included Training lectures & hands on Practical sessions to promote direct interfacing between academia and industry across the nation for a benefit of students. Experts from Industry and Academia delivered the sessions on the day. Around 300 students from the institute and other colleges participated in the workshop and benefitted to reinforce their knowledge and to encourage the research & development practices by actively taking part into the deliberations.
The Workshop was inaugurated by Dr.Sorabh Gupta (Director, RPIIT Technical & Medical Campus) on 15-04-2015 at 10:05 AM with the lamp lightning and Saraswati Vandana in presence of Dr. Sanjay Kumar Sharma (Chairman, IETE Ambala Subcentre), Er. J.S.Arya (Hony. Treasurer, IETE Ambala Subcentre) and Dr. P.K Karar (Principal of Pharmacy, RPIIT Technical & Medical Campus) and other invited guests. During the welcome address, Director of the campus, Dr. Sorabh Gupta welcomed all the guests, delegates and students on this occasion and assures all possible help to be extended to IETE, Ambala Subcentre. Dr. Sanjay Kumar Sharma (Chairman, IETE Ambala Subcentre) appreciate this effort and motivated to continue it with same zeal. Er. J.S.Arya (Hony. Treasurer, IETE Ambala Subcentre) briefed about the importance of workshop. Then the programme was followed as per schedule.
In the first session, Er. Rajkumar (Corporate & Professional Trainer, CETPA New Delhi) gave a power point view of recent developments in humanoid robot design and results in this hot research area for robotics. The second session started at 1:30 PM with power point covering latest amendments in the concept of Humaniod Robotics continued by the expert’s Practical hand on session. The program was ended up at 4:00 PM with the valedictory ceremony in which Director, Dr. Sorabh Gupta handed over the certificates to the students from different institutes and encouraged them to contribute and take the advantage of the technology. Principals, Deans and HODs of various departments of RPIIT Technical campus were also present during the ceremony.
List of Photographs (Humanoid Robotics-2015)
Inauguration of the workshop by Dr. Sanjay Sharma, Er. J.S.Arya and Dr. Sorabh Gupta
Dr. Sorabh Gupta welcoming Chairman IETE, Ambala Sub Centre |
Dr. Sorabh Gupta (Director, RPIIT Technical and Medical Campus) addressing the guests
Er. J.S.Arya (Hony. Treasurer, IETE Ambala Subcentre) Addressing the students |
Dr. Sorabh Gupta and Dr. P.K.Karar presenting Memento to Dr. Sanjay Sharma
Session on Humanoid Robotics Delivered by expert team from CETPA |
ISF (Institutional Student Forum) of IETE (Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers) of RPIIT Technical Campus, Karnal organized a Two Days National Workshop on “Network Security and Embedded Systems (NSES)” and 47th Engineer’s Day Celebration on September 15-16, 2014. The aim of the workshop was to highlight the concepts of Embedded Systems and Network Security and to demonstrate their application in the field of Communication, Electronics, Avionics, Robotics, e-commerce etc. The workshop focused on Basic Embedded System concepts to Modern Microprocessor based Development. The workshop included Training lectures & hands on Practical sessions to promote direct interfacing between academia and industry across the nation for a benefit on Network Security and Embedded Systems and their applications. Experts from Industry and Academia delivered the sessions on both of the days. Around 300 students from the institute and other colleges participated in the workshop and benefitted to reinforce their knowledge and to encourage the research & development practices by actively taking part into the deliberations.
The Workshop was inaugurated on 15-09-2014 at 10:30 AM with the lamp lightning and Saraswati Vandana by the chief guest Er. Bharat Singal (Secretary, RP Educational Trust). Dr. Sanjay Kumar Sharma (Chairman, IETE Ambala Subcentre) and Er. Manmohan Maini (Hony. Secretary, IETE Ambala Subcentre) were also present. During the welcome address, Director of the campus, Dr. Sorabh Gupta welcomed all the guests, delegates and students on this occasion and assures all possible help to be extended to IETE, Ambala Subcentre. As 15th September was the Engineers day, it was also celebrated and Tribute was paid to Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya by delivering a power point presentation on his memoir by Mr. Manoj Verma, Convener of the program. Executive Director of the campus, Dr. G. S. Sharma briefed about the importance of workshop. Program Co-convener, Mr. Kapil Arora elaborated the major application areas of Embedded Systems and Network Security. Then the programme was followed as per schedule.
In the first session, Er. Prabhdeep Singh (A.P, ECE Deptt.) gave the bird’s eye view about the embedded systems and setup the mind of all present there to think about the life without it, followed by Mr. Mainak Upreti (Marketing Manager, CETPA New Delhi) who sets an platform to start with Embedded Systems by telling about the future scope in embedded technology. Er. Pawan Goyal (A.P, ECE Deptt) started the second Session by giving a power point view of modern concept of the technology, followed by the CETPA expert’s Practical session.
On September 16, 2014, Er. Garima Chodhary (A.P, CSE Deptt.) gave the dynamic start about the concept of network security followed by the Network Zone, New Delhi expert Mr. Pawan Nag’s session on Microsoft user Management, Windows password recovery and all their practical significances in the industries. The second session started at 1:30 PM by Er. Neha Sharma’s (A.P, CSE Deptt.) power point covering latest amendments in the concept of Network Security continued by the expert’s Practical hand on session. The program was ended up at 4:00 PM with the valedictory ceremony in which Director, Dr. Sorabh Gupta and Executive Director, Dr. G. S. Sharma handed over the certificates to the students from different institutes and encouraged them to contribute and take the advantage of the technology. Principals, Deans and HODs of various departments of RPIIT Technical campus were also present during the ceremony.
List of Photographs (NSES-2014)
Inauguration of the workshop by Er. Bharat Singal, Dr. Sorabh Gupta and Dr. G.S. Sharma while welcoming Dr. Sanjay Sharma and Dr. Sorabh Gupta the Chief Guest
Dr. Sorabh Gupta welcoming chairman IETE, Sub centre Chief Guest presenting Memento to Er. Manmohan Maini Ambala
Session on Embedded Systems Valedictory and Certificate distribution expert team from CETPA
Proceedings of 2-Days National Workshop on Advanced Computing Networks
RPIIT Technical Campus, Karnal organized a 2-Day National Workshop on Advanced Computing Networks (ACN-2014) in association with Institute of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) on April 23-24, 2014 in its premises. The theme of the workshop was to highlight the concepts of distributed networking and cloud computing and to demonstrate their applications in the field of computer science & engineering. The workshop focused on Basic Networking and Operating system concepts to Distributed File Systems, My-Sql Cluster Computing, Hadoop Architecture and from basics of Cloud Computing to role of Virtualization in Network Computing, Active Directories and the use of VM-Ware Servers etc. The workshop included Training lectures & hands on Practical sessions to promote direct interfacing between academia and industry across the nation for a benefit on recent trends of advanced computing networks and their applications. Experts from Industry and Academia delivered the sessions on both of the days. Around 200 students from the institute and other colleges participated in the workshop and benefitted to reinforce their knowledge and to encourage the research & development practices by actively taking part into the deliberations.
The programme was inaugurated on 23-04-2014 at 10:30 AM with the Saraswati Vandana by Dr. Sorabh Gupta (Director, RPIIT Technical Campus), Dr. G. S. Sharma (Executive Director, RPIIT Campus) and Er. Sunil Kumar (OSS Labs, Karnal) followed with floral welcome of expert delegates and a theme briefing by the Convener of Workshop (Er. Manoj Verma). Dr. S. L. Verma (Prof. & Head, Civil Deptt.), Prof. Ashok Sabharwal (Head, Electrical Deptt.) & other Heads and Faculty delegates from various Engineering disciplines were also present at the moment. Knowledge Experts Er. Sunil Kumar & Mr. Manoj Kumar from OSS Labs, Karnal delivered the sessions from Basics of Operating Systems to distributed Networking & File Systems, Cluster Computing and Hadoop Architecture with their practical usage in current age computing industry. The session was over at 4:30 PM.
On April 24, 2014, The 2nd session of the workshop was started at 9:30 AM and was delivered by Mr. Mahinder Singh & Mr. Pawan Nag from Network-Zone, New Delhi after a floral welcome and a brief introduction. The theme of the session was on Basics of Networking to Cloud Computing, Virtualization concepts in Computing & Networking, using Active Directories in Web based computing platforms with all their practical significances in the industries. The programme was ended-up at 4:15 PM with the valedictory ceremony in the presence of Dr. Sorabh Gupta (Director) and Dr. G. S. Sharma (Exec. Director). Faculty of Computer Science and Electronics & Communication Engineering ware also present during the moment.
A brief profile of both Day’s Knowledge Experts is attached herewith:
To brief about OSS Labs, Karnal is,
To brief about Network-Zone, New Delhi is,
A leading solution provider & facilitator to the communicational industries, Network-Zone also provides training facilities to students and researchers on:
List of Photographs (ACN-2014)
Inauguration of the Workshop by Dr. Sorabh Gupta, Dr. G. S. Sharma
& Mr. Sunil Kumar (OSS Labs, Karnal)
Floral Welcome by Dr. S. L. Verma
Floral Welcome by Prof. Ashok Sabarwal
Introduction to the Workshop by Convener (Er. Manoj Verma)
Audience during the Session
First Session on Distributed File Systems & Cluster Computing (23-04-2014)
Mementoes Presentations to OSS Labs Team on 23-04-2014
Floral Welcome by Dr. Sunil Aggrawal (24-04-2014)
Floral Welcome by Er. Kapil Monga (24-04-2014)
2nd Session Photographs on 24-04-2014
Valedictory & Mementoes Presentation (by Er. Kapil Arora & Er. Prabhdeep Singh) on 24-04-2014