Candidates registered in north eastern region, western region, Madhya Pradesh region, central region, western region, Karnataka Kerala region, north western region and southern region can download their SSC JE 2019 admit card from their regional websites.
The Commission has also released tentative vacancies for SSC JE 2019 recruitment drive. This year, there are a total of 887 vacancies for the post of junior engineer in various departments.
Details of vacancies:
Border Road Organisation (Only Male candidates) —Junior Engineer (Electrical and Mechanical) –80
Border Road Organization (Only Male candidates) — Junior Engineer (Civil)——-417
Central Water Commission —Junior Engineer (Mechanical)—4
Central Water Commission — Junior Engineer (Civil)– 50
Central Public Works Department (CPWD) —-Junior Engineer (Electrical)— 52
Central Public Works Department (CPWD) ——Junior Engineer(Civil) — 273
M/o Defence (DGQA-NAVAL) —Junior Engineer (Electrical) —3
M/o Defence (DGQA-NAVAL) —Junior Engineer (Mechanical)—5
National Technical Research Organisation (NTRO)—Junior Engineer (Civil) —3SSC will conduct the junior engineer 2019 paper 1 exam from October 27 to 30. However, the SSC JE 2019 exam will be held separately for candidates who opted for examination centres in Bihar, on December 1