+91 92156 78929      info@rpiit.com

Department Activities ( DMLT )

Department Activities

We have a series of network and social events through each academic year. This is a great opportunity to connect with other students and alumni. Over the past academic year, events we have arranged:-

  • Mentorship opportunities for several current students from our RPIIT Technical & Medical Campus.
  • Tips and stellar advice given to current students from alumni who work in the marketing, Business and finance industries.
  • Friendly Crickets match with refreshment and food for students.
  • Research seminars with speakers from Indian renewed institutions.
  • Careers advice from from apprentice candidates.
  • Tours and trip are organized for students to visit monuments, historical places etc.
  • Social activities are held in the department such as save water, save girl child.
Admission 2024-2025